~ Anna Dorn is a writer and former criminal defense attorney living in Los Angeles.
She is a Virgo. ~
Mark Danowsky (Schuylkill Valley Journal): Can you talk a little about your new book and why our readers need to get their hands on a copy ASAP?
Anna Dorn: Vagablonde is about a lawyer named Prue who wants to be a rapper. In the first chapter, she goes off her anti-depressants, meets a promising producer, and begins a very glamorous downward spiral. It's funny and dark and includes lots of touching and parties that will remind readers of the good old days (were they even good???). For non-readers it has a pretty cover and will look cute on a bookshelf or peeking out of a purse.
MD: I saw you reviewed Melissa Broder's novel The Pisces; as a big fan of So Sad Today, I'm wondering your thoughts on that ongoing project?
AD: You mean her Vice column or her Twitter? I love it all! I'm obsessed with her writing. She really honed in on something we're all feeling... like, the persistent existential dread of late capitalism? But funny? I found this YouTube video of herself saying "I don't know who I am" over and over to the beat of Lil Kim's "Drugs." That was when I really fell in love.
MD: My sense is you have strong opinions on the value of therapy and the use of medications to treat mental health issues. What are your current thoughts on these matters?
AD: I really don't have strong opinions on anything. I'll say whatever. Sometimes I sound overly passionate, but I'm really not. At least not for more than 5 minutes. I'm interested in rhetoric. I have a healthy skepticism of the mental health industrial complex. Sometimes I feel like therapy and medication have helped me a lot and other times I'm not sure. I'm here for whatever anyone needs to get through the day.
MD: Since you have a legal background, I'm curious to hear what most upsets you about our legal system presently.
AD: Oh god, I try not to think about it. It's all a mess. I'm actually writing a book about it called Bad Lawyer. It comes out next Spring. I guess my thesis is that the adversarial system is ill-equipped to mediate disputes between people, which it was ostensibly designed to do. I'm sort of anti logic, very anti punishment. I feel that the legal apparatus mostly exists to strengthen the power of the state and reinforce systematic inequality. Maybe I AM opinionated!
MD: What is feminism for you?
AD: The Knowles sisters.
MD: Do you have thoughts on Dana Schwartz / @GuyInYourMFA?
AD: Never heard of! Seeing the handle without context, I feel triggered.
MD: Who have you enjoyed reading recently?
AD: Marianne Williamson's Return To Love. Ugh, what a woman! I've been reading it slowly so her wisdom soaks in. I'm keeping it by my bed like the bible. I just finished Problems by Jade Sharma which was perfect. I'm reading Barbara Browning's The Correspondence Artist and listening to The Gift on Audible. I enjoy them both. Browning reminds me a bit of Chris Kraus who I love.
MD: What are your aspirations?
AD: To be evolved and gentle. To not have opinions. To put people at ease. To teach writing at the college or MFA level. To get paid to write more books. To live in a house surrounded by trees.
MD: What advice do you have for writers / creative types?
AD: I try not to give advice because everyone's process is different. Maybe give your work space to breathe. And don't be too precious about it.
MD: Do you have other work on the horizon we should be on the lookout for?
AD: Bad Lawyer as I said above. I'm working on a new novel but I'm not sure if I'm ready to jinx it yet.
MD: Is there anything on your mind, in general, that you'd like to share?
AD: Follow @Aleksandrssk on Twitter. He is my favorite person on there.
Anna Dorn