How to Submit to SVJ Print

The SVJ Print is a periodical publication (we aim for twice a year).

Reading Periods:

For Fall/Winter print issue: June 1 – August 15

For Spring/Summer print issue: December 1 – February 14

Short Stories / Fiction

Send 1-2 stories. Maximum 5000 words.

Fiction Editor: Fran Metzman —


Non-Fiction / Essays / Articles /Personal Reflections

Nonfiction Editor / EIC: Peter Krok —


Because of the volume of poetry we receive, our guidelines are more specific than other genres. Please read and follow carefully:

•   We accept well-crafted/well-edited, accessible poetry, both free and formal verse in a variety of subjects and styles. We encourage you to read our journal and acquaint yourself with our general aesthetic before submitting

•   Send 3-5 poems in one document (.doc file format only--no zip files.)

•   We prefer one poem per page (well-crafted longer poems accepted that will fit on no more than two pages of the print journal)

•  No previously published poems. Unpublished work means work that has not appeared in any form of print or digital media, including personal webpages, Facebook, personal or public blogs.

•   One submission per reading period. If we publish your poem(s) in our current issue, please wait a year (one submission period) before submitting again.

•   Simultaneous submissions are fine providing that you let us know right away if your work is accepted elsewhere. Our goal is to respond within three to four months.

•   Please include your last name and the words “Poetry Submission” in the subject line of your email

Please Note: files should meet these guidelines and submission must be made during our open reading periods or they will go unread.

Poetry Editor Jane Edna Mohler —


Copyright: By submitting a work to the SVJ, the contributor agrees that the Schuylkill Valley Journal reserves first rights and the right to republish material online. All other rights belong to the contributor. The SVJ does not claim ownership of syndicated material from other sources, and proper credit will be given as necessary. We request the same courtesy from our peers. All rights are similarly reserved by the SVJ.

Payment: Unfortunately, the Schuylkill Valley Journal cannot provide monetary compensation.

Simultaneous submissions are accepted but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. Please, no previously published work.